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FOIA News: Recap of Commerce's rescheduled Sunshine Week event

Spring Open: Events Celebrate Transparency in Government

By Barbie E. Keiser, Information Today, Jul 25, 2017

Several months into the new administration, Washington, D.C., was treated to events to learn about efforts to increase openness and transparency in government. Some speakers focused on the current situation, highlighting resource challenges that are facing all three branches of government, while others looked to the future and the technology that would enable government to keep up with the expectations of citizens. Here are the highlights of each event.

Commerce Department Belatedly Celebrates Sunshine Week

Originally scheduled for March 15, 2017, during Sunshine Week, but postponed due to a snowstorm in D.C., Strengthening Transparency through Open Data and Access to Information was finally held on June 20 at the Commerce Research Library. It was then that individuals from seven Commerce Department bureaus received certificates of recognition for reducing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) backlog by 10% or exceeding their bureau’s FOIA goals—for example, by closing their 10 oldest FOIA requests.

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